Nurse's Office

School Nurse
Gabrielle Banks
✉ Email
☎ 856-293-2470 ext. 2483
📠 856-440-1106
Welcome to the Silver Run Nurse's Corner. My name is Gabrielle Banks and I am the School Nurse here at Silver Run Elementary School. Please take a few minutes to explore this site to get to know more about me and more about school health services.
BSHS – Stockton University
RN, BSN – Rutgers University, Camden
Active member National Association of School Nurses, NJ State School Nurse Association
BSHS – Stockton University
RN, BSN – Rutgers University, Camden
Active member National Association of School Nurses, NJ State School Nurse Association
- Health History Update
- At the start of each new school year, parents/guardians are asked to complete a Health History Update form for you child. This information is used to provide me with the most up-to-date health information for your child so I can best meet his/her health care needs during the school day. If any health information changes during the school year, please contact me immediately.
- Please click the Health Documents & Forms button on the left to access all health forms
- Communicating with the Certified School Nurse
- Feel free to contact me if you have any questions/concerns related to the health of your child. I do my best to return all calls by the end of the school day. Be sure to provide the school with current emergency contact phone numbers. If any numbers change during the school year, please remember to contact the main office. I must be able to contact an adult in the event that your child is ill/injured during the school day.
- Medication in Schools
- Medication (prescription or over the counter) cannot be administered to any student without a written order from a healthcare provider and written parental permission. All medications must be brought to school by an adult in an original container. Students with asthma are required to have a completed Asthma Action Plan on file in the nurse office. Students with significant food, insect or other allergies are required to have a completed Allergy Action Plan on file in the nurse office.
- All medication orders are in effect for one school year only. Unused medications must be picked up by an adult on the last day of school. Medications not picked up are discarded.